Thursday 29 January 2015

Going To London

Hey guys

So I have wanted to go to London for a long time and I am finally going

I am going with my Nana and I might be taking my friend with me if she can afford it but I don't know

I want to go to Madam Tussaud's (I don't think I have spelt that right) because I want to go and see the One Direction wax figures and take pictures with them

My Nana ( my dad's half sister) wants to go because she wants to see the figures and because she wants to get a picture with Zayn because he is her favourite member of One Direction

I want a picture with all of them but mostly Niall

I am really excited

I am hopefully going in April because that is the holiday i want to go in

Apparently February has always been the worst month, that's when it snows all the time and we could get stuck

So I decided that it would be easier to go in April

After that in may I wm going to see The Vamps I also can't wait for that

I got my selfie stick that I ordered from China today, I have been waiting like 3 weeks

Basically that is a little update of what I have been doing

See you soon

YouTube Girl x

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