Friday 23 January 2015

Just About Me.....sort of

Hi guys

So you can comment on this, knew it!

So ask you can see the page ground of my page is now purple because it is my favourtie colour

I am a Directioner, my favourtie band members are Niall Horan and Zayn Malik, i just can't decide

I am doing this because i was inspired by Zoella as i said in my last post and also because i can say what i truly feel when i can't in the real world

I am really honest with people and maybe to sarcastic

I don't really have much self-confidence

I feel like I am fat because everyone tells me I am

So this is my way of telling the world how I feel

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter - @YouTubeGirl2807

Joking, joking

No seriously go and follow me on twitter for updates on when I blog

I could do blogs about anything really, if I know about it that is

I have had an annoying day today

My Psychology teacher told me on my own to get all the folders out and hand them out and then asked me to take them back at the end of the lesson

My friend helped me a bit but she grabbed like four folders and then gave up

My best friend wasn't at school today because she had stomach pains, I missed her

This is really off topic......

What can I talk about?

I don't know how much I will blog because I am really into this at the minute

So yeah....

Is it bad if I blog to much in one night?

Oh I'm British by the way

I really need some ideas on what I can blog about

I will just leave this here because I am just rambling on

See You Soon

YouTube Girl x

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