Saturday 24 January 2015

Sad Blog....(sort of, well the first part is definatly)

Hey guys

So today I am writing a sad blog about self-harm and stuff like that

Well where do I start

Some of my friends self-harm

I am not going to reveal there names because that would be wrong and if they read this then I would be in trouble and then they would hate me

They do it because they thought it was the only way out

One of my friends did it because a rumour was going around school about her and she thought there was only one way out and that was it, it wasn't bad but she did it a little bit and when I saw her I supported her but lectured her until she swore she would never do it again

My other friend does it and well, I know all about it because I told her I am here for her and I support her, I wish I could tell you why she does it, I know why but the thing is it is really complicated

I get really worried about her some times but I guess that is because I care

Also I want to talk about self-esteem

I have a very low self-esteem because everyone calls me fat and every time someone does that my self-esteem goes down even more

Now I know you don't know what I look like but I look like the type of person who sits at home on there computer all the time because they don't really have a life

A lot of my friends go out of a Saturday but I don't really because I can't afford to go out every weekend because it is just me and my dad at home

My friends also have other friends  and I don't really like them

I am not really confident with other people, I am well socially awkward, I don't really like the outside world

I am in something that Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) might call a existential crisis, I might be talking to my friend and I will explain it like twice and she won't get it I will go into one of my existential Crisis modes and lay on the floor in my kitchen.

This is one of my favourite phrase that I say to my friend after explaining to many times and also two pictures of what I am like in existential crisis mode.

See you soon

YouTube Girl x

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