Thursday 29 January 2015

Going To London

Hey guys

So I have wanted to go to London for a long time and I am finally going

I am going with my Nana and I might be taking my friend with me if she can afford it but I don't know

I want to go to Madam Tussaud's (I don't think I have spelt that right) because I want to go and see the One Direction wax figures and take pictures with them

My Nana ( my dad's half sister) wants to go because she wants to see the figures and because she wants to get a picture with Zayn because he is her favourite member of One Direction

I want a picture with all of them but mostly Niall

I am really excited

I am hopefully going in April because that is the holiday i want to go in

Apparently February has always been the worst month, that's when it snows all the time and we could get stuck

So I decided that it would be easier to go in April

After that in may I wm going to see The Vamps I also can't wait for that

I got my selfie stick that I ordered from China today, I have been waiting like 3 weeks

Basically that is a little update of what I have been doing

See you soon

YouTube Girl x

Saturday 24 January 2015

Sad Blog....(sort of, well the first part is definatly)

Hey guys

So today I am writing a sad blog about self-harm and stuff like that

Well where do I start

Some of my friends self-harm

I am not going to reveal there names because that would be wrong and if they read this then I would be in trouble and then they would hate me

They do it because they thought it was the only way out

One of my friends did it because a rumour was going around school about her and she thought there was only one way out and that was it, it wasn't bad but she did it a little bit and when I saw her I supported her but lectured her until she swore she would never do it again

My other friend does it and well, I know all about it because I told her I am here for her and I support her, I wish I could tell you why she does it, I know why but the thing is it is really complicated

I get really worried about her some times but I guess that is because I care

Also I want to talk about self-esteem

I have a very low self-esteem because everyone calls me fat and every time someone does that my self-esteem goes down even more

Now I know you don't know what I look like but I look like the type of person who sits at home on there computer all the time because they don't really have a life

A lot of my friends go out of a Saturday but I don't really because I can't afford to go out every weekend because it is just me and my dad at home

My friends also have other friends  and I don't really like them

I am not really confident with other people, I am well socially awkward, I don't really like the outside world

I am in something that Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) might call a existential crisis, I might be talking to my friend and I will explain it like twice and she won't get it I will go into one of my existential Crisis modes and lay on the floor in my kitchen.

This is one of my favourite phrase that I say to my friend after explaining to many times and also two pictures of what I am like in existential crisis mode.

See you soon

YouTube Girl x

Friday 23 January 2015

Just About Me.....sort of

Hi guys

So you can comment on this, knew it!

So ask you can see the page ground of my page is now purple because it is my favourtie colour

I am a Directioner, my favourtie band members are Niall Horan and Zayn Malik, i just can't decide

I am doing this because i was inspired by Zoella as i said in my last post and also because i can say what i truly feel when i can't in the real world

I am really honest with people and maybe to sarcastic

I don't really have much self-confidence

I feel like I am fat because everyone tells me I am

So this is my way of telling the world how I feel

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter - @YouTubeGirl2807

Joking, joking

No seriously go and follow me on twitter for updates on when I blog

I could do blogs about anything really, if I know about it that is

I have had an annoying day today

My Psychology teacher told me on my own to get all the folders out and hand them out and then asked me to take them back at the end of the lesson

My friend helped me a bit but she grabbed like four folders and then gave up

My best friend wasn't at school today because she had stomach pains, I missed her

This is really off topic......

What can I talk about?

I don't know how much I will blog because I am really into this at the minute

So yeah....

Is it bad if I blog to much in one night?

Oh I'm British by the way

I really need some ideas on what I can blog about

I will just leave this here because I am just rambling on

See You Soon

YouTube Girl x


Hi, Hey, Hello, Hola

However you want to say hey

Well my name is......well i'm not going to say who i am because i don't really want people to know who i am

My favourtie songs at the minute is Where Do Broken Hearts Go by One Direction and Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction

I just love them

So how to introduce myself well i'm 14 years old

I love Youtube

My favourtie Youtubers are Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire), Phil Lester (A
mazing Phil), Joe sugg, Marcus Butler, Sawyer Hartman and so many others

My cousins sing on Youtube and i have made a few Youtube videos so i guess you could say it runs in my family

I have a boxer dog, i love animals

Now for the sad part

My mum died in 2010 when i was 10

Some of my friends self-harm and i do my best to help them

I have always said to people i am your personal diary and you can always talk to me

I guess i am doing this because i was inspired by Zoella's book Girl Online which i love by the way , i brought it and i can now not put it down it is amazing

So i guess that is really what i wanted to say

There isn't really going to be many people reading this i can tell, if anyone

I don't really know how this works

Can you comment on this thing?

My friend used to write blogs but she stopped for some reason like she stopped writing stories on wattpad

I also love going on wattpad there is so many amazing stories on there

So yeah

See you soon

YouTube Girl x