Thursday 12 February 2015

YouTubers And Friends

Hey guys

Have you heard Joe Sugg is bringing a book out?

Alfie Deyes is bringing his second book out

I am still reading Zoella's Girl Online and I am still no further

I brought Tanya Burr's book

Shane Dawson (American YouTuber, if you don't know who he is you need to go and watch his videos) has brought out a book

I love books and I love Youtubers but I don't have time to read there books I really wish I did

But I don't

OK this blog is like going no where

On Saturday it is valentine's day and my friend said "I can't wait to see all the depressing Snapchats that you put on, on Saturday"

I got really annoyed at that because yes I am single and I probably will but I don't really care

Today in one of my classes she wrote my name and "loves .........." And of someone sees it I am dead, it will ruin my hole life

I told her if she didn't scribble it out I would kill her

She is a pain in the backside some times

But that's what friends are

Sorry this has been really boring

See you soon

YouTube Girl x

Monday 2 February 2015


Hey guys

So I just wanted to talk to you about pretending

So this girl I know pretended to be Zayn Malik and I believed her for a long time

But now I know and you are probably thinking "she is so stupid" well it was very real

I felt like he was the only one who cared for me at the time

Now she is trying to bring 'Zayn' back into my life and it gave me heart break when I found out he wasn't real but i don't know do I want her to pretend to be him?

Do I need it in my life?

I'm scared that I will become attached again

She said that 'Zayn' misses me

I showed all my friends what she said to me pretending to be him and I feel sick to my stomach

I really don't know what to do

I miss talking to someone like that but I know it wasn't real

I sound really stupid

And you will probably laugh

If you have had anything like what I am going threw please comment and tell me I need to know what to do

See you soon

YouTube Girl x