Thursday 16 November 2017

A Life Update

Hi Guys!

So it's been a while hasn't it?

Since the last time I spoke to you, things have definatly changed!

Me and the person that I was in a relationship ship with broke up in Summer 2016, which was very sad on both parts but mutual

We just wasn't right for each other anymore

But we are still friends :)

After that, I got in a new relationship and I was very happy with the person who I was with

Was being the underlying word...

The person I started going out with was a very close friend of mine and I really did love them but they broke up with me numerous times and broke my heart over and over again

So as of February 2017 I have been single

But I started a new college course at a university and I had to make all new friends to find someone else that I now like but I can't tell them because they are having problems of their own and I don't want to pile it on them

So here I am again, sat in the friendzone

But my life has changed a lot since I started at my new college because I have a set of all new friends instead of the ones that where dragging me back from my other college

I love my lecturers and I actually feel like I am going to do well in my course

And that is it for now

Until the next post

YouTube Girl x

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