Wednesday 24 October 2018

Hello Once Again...


So I really am doing these yearly, aren't I?

From what you last heard from me, I had just been messed about in a relationship buy someone that I really cared about

Well that continued

I was actually foolish enough to think, that they would care about me

But they didn't

So the last time, we was together was February 2018

I think, don't hold me to it!

But this time, I said I no longer wanted to be messed about and I expressed my feelings about how annoyed I was

And they got on the defensive, so I gave up with it!

But currently my ex has got with my best friends ex...

Yes I know what you are thinking

It is a bit insane

But they was both crappy in the relationships with me and my best friend

So they will get what is coming to them, as they are perfect for one another!

I have tried to get with other people, but I currently feel like I am the problem

Like there is something wrong with

Just teenage problems really!

The last you heard about my college course, I was really enjoying it because I had made new friends and that I was really enjoying my lecturers

Well me and my friends have been on and off at the minute and I personally think that is just me over reacting but the way they speak to me sometimes hurts

And the lecturers?

Well as I went onto the second year of my college course, they got switched around

So the lecturer, that is amazing, I hardly see because she didn't take our practical group

But she took everyone else's

So we get the new practical lesson lecturer and she isn't as funny or understanding

Especially with my phobia of the unpradicableness of snakes

But that story is for another time

Until the next post

YouTube Girl x