Tuesday 26 January 2016

My Relationship Status


It has been so long since I posted

Anyway as you know me and my past relationship broke up in July of 2015

But now......

I am in a new relationship

It is practically perfect, we like the same things and we are practically the same person

I can really see a future between us

We are spending my birthday together with my friend (hope they don't ruin the moment) and then we are going on a date the next to Pizza express

I haven't had pizza in ages

Because i'm on a diet, I want to get a nice dress for prom and the only way to do that is lose weight

So that's what i'm doing and so far I have lost 20.5 pounds in weight nearly a stone and a half

I brought Girl Online On Tour but I haven't read much of it yet and I think I should to be honest and I finished FanGirl

It was soooooo good I advise you read it if your a fangirl like me who likes writing fanfiction

So anyways....

Until my next post

YouTube Girl x