Thursday 30 July 2015

We Broke Up.....


So I went on the date and since I last updated you, I went on two other dates after that and today I decided to call it all off

I wasn't happy with the relationship

I wasn't happy on how I was treated

I just wasn't happy

And I am scared people are going to hate me because of it

But now I have ended it, I feel free

That sounds really creepy


I know breakups are hard

But I don't really know how to feel if I am truly honest

My friends support me and my best friend understands why we broke up

But I feel happy now

In good news I finally finished Girl Online and I can't wait for the next one

But I have started reading a new book called "FanGirl" and I am sure when I go to university that the girl in the book will be me

Anyway it was my birthday on the 28th and I went bowling with my friends and I have a brilliant time, although I was sick in the morning



YouTube Girl x