Friday 15 May 2015

The Date

Hi guys

So this is going so awkward for me to tell you


i have my first date tomorrow and let me tell you, i am so scared

I have never been on a date, even thought i was in a relationship for about 3 months but it was long distance but we never saw each other, not once

But the person i am going on a date with hasn't properly asked me out yet

To ask me on a date they gave me a little sheet of paper and it said "We have been together for quite some time so i thought it was time i shout ask you out for our first date on Saturday" or something like that and this was on Wednesday

I am really nervous because tomorrow i also have to go to the optitions and i know most people go to the optitions when they are like a baby and go like once a year but i have never been and i am freaking out and then i am going on my date at 12 or 12:30pm as we are not sure what time my optitions appointment is then i am going to sleep at my friends tomorrow night

I have a very busy day tomorrow

All my friends know about my date and they fully support me

Sorry i know this is boring talking about my life like this, i just find this blog a way to release stress and my feelings

Non of my friends know about this blog or my twitter

Wish me luck for my date tomorrow


YouTube Girl x