Monday 16 March 2015


Hey guys

So I have been reading Girl Online (Zoella's book) and I am up to page 113

And it has really inspired me to share my fears

So today in school I was told in my English class that in the building where we have science that there was problem with the fire alarm and this panicked me

I have a fear of Fire Alarms

I have looked it up and no one has a certain name for my phobia

This is what I have learned from looking it up

All kids have a fear of loud noises when they are younger but the fear goes away the older we get, the is only a very small amount of kids who don't grow out of it and have a fear of loud noises

That just happens to be me

I have a fear of fire because something set fire in !my house and I think I blamed myself I went to a councilor and everything

I just can't get over this fear and some people call me childish but they don't understand it because they don't have that problem

If a loud noise goes off like a fire alarm I have like a panic attack, I can't breath and I have to hold onto someone because they can get me out of there.

I learnt in pyscology that a phobia is a mental illness

I have many other fears as well but this is my worst and I don't know how to get over it

In my science lesson today I wouldn't sit down because I was scared it was going to go off but it didn't, so I got told off by the teacher when they finally showed up.

Please share your fears with me it might help me feel better about mine, it really scares me

Co!sent your fear and how you plan to get over it ( if you can) and I mighty be able to help you


YouTube Girl x